Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna

M. Alwin*, P. Jothilakshmi**
* M.E Student, Sri Venkateswara college of Engineering, Chennai.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara college of Engineering, Chennai.
Periodicity:November - January'2014


A simple new design of Microstrip Patch Antenna has been designed to tune a set of different discrete frequencies. The frequency variation is achieved by changing the electrically actuated RF switches. The antenna’s operative condition is controlled between different states by biasing. The simulation of the designed antenna is done using Advanced design system and its observed parameters are documented in this paper.


Reconfigurable Antenna, PIN Diode, Microstrip, Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio.

How to Cite this Article?

Alwin, M., and Jothilakshmi, P. (2014). Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 3(1), 28-32.


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