Status of Higher Secondary School Libraries in Thiruvallur District

Seenivasan. M*, N. Ashok Kumar**
* Research Scholar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
** University Assistant Librarian, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:December - February'2014


Libraries are the main sources of knowledge. They play a major role in fostering reading habit among school children. Hence, it is deemed interactive to study the status of higher secondary school libraries in Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu. For the Analysis 50 Higher Secondary Schools were selected randomly comprising of Government Higher secondary school, Government Aided Higher Secondary School, Private Matriculation Higher Secondary School and Kendriya Vidyalaya from Thiruvallur District. Questionnaires were distributed to the Headmasters/Principals of those schools who participated in the survey. The collected data has been tabulated and analyzed using Simple Parentage Analysis. The result showed that 35 schools (70%) have libraries; where as 15 schools (30%) don't have libraries in their schools. It is also found that only 27 schools (54%) have appointed fulltime librarians, but 23 schools don't have qualified librarians. From the results, it has been concluded that the school libraries functioning in Kendriya Vidyalaya's and Private Matriculation Higher Secondary Schools are in a remarkable state, where as Libraries in Government Higher Secondary Schools and Government Aided Higher Secondary Schools are in a poor state.


Status, Academic Libraries, School Libraries, Tamil Nadu

How to Cite this Article?

Seenivasan. M., & Kumar,N.A (2014). Status of Higher Secondary School Libraries in Thiruvallur District.i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 9(3), 18-22.


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