Synchronization and Anti-Synchronization Of A Chaotic Satellite Under The Effect Of Magnetic Torque Via Active Control

0*, Mohammed Raziuddin**
* Department of General Requirements, College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Oman.
** Department of Information Technology, Nizwa College of Technology, Nizwa, Oman.
Periodicity:October - December'2013


The determination and prediction of the orbit of a satellite is influenced by the perturbing forces causing chaos. In this paper, we have discussed the synchronization and anti-synchronization (AS) behavior of two such identical planar oscillation of a satellite in elliptic orbit influenced by magnetic torque evolving from different initial conditions using the active control technique. The designed controllers, with our own choice of the coefficient matrix of the error dynamics are found to be effective to achieve synchronization and AS between the states variables of two chaotic identical dynamical systems under consideration. All the results are validated by numerical simulations using mathematica.


Synchronization; Active Control; Lyapunov Stability; AS.

How to Cite this Article?

Mohammad Shahzad and Mohammad Raziuddin (2013). Synchronization and Anti-Synchronization of A Chaotic Satellite Under The Effect of Magnetic Torque via Active Control. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 2(4), 7-13.


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