Remarks On Four-Dimensional PseudosymmetricKahlerian Manifolds

Beldjilali Gherici*, Mohamed Belkhelfa**, Hasni Abdelbasset***
*-**-*** Laboratoire de Physique Quantique de la matière et de Modélisation Math_ematique, (LPQ3M), Université de Mascara, Mascara, Algeria.
Periodicity:October - December'2013


In the present paper, we prove that for a 4-dimensional properly pseudosymmetric Kählerian manifold M, the Ricci tensor vanishes on the set p Î {M/ f(p) 6≠ 0} where f is the structure fonction (i.e R(X,Y ) = f(XÙY).R) and for f > 0 the manifold is not compact. Various examples are discussed.


Four-dimensional Pseudosymmetric Kahlerian Manifolds, Ricci tensor.

How to Cite this Article?

Gherici, B., Mohamed, B., and Abdelbasset, H. (2013). Remarks on Four-Dimensional Pseudosymmetric Kahlerian Manifolds. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 2(4), 1-6.


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