GA Based PID Control of Magnetic Levitation System

S. Kishore*, D. Vasanthi**
*Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
**Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
Periodicity:August - October'2013


The Magnetic levitation system serves as a simple model of devices, which are becoming popular in recent years. Magnetic Levitation System is a nonlinear, unstable system that can be applied in many application area such as in magnetic bearings, high speed trains, vibration isolation tables in semiconductor manufacturing, levitation of wind power generation, levitation of molten metal in induction furnaces, position tracking and levitation of metal slabs during manufacturing. The Magnetic levitation system can be categorized as a repulsive system and this system is based on the source of levitate forces. Since it is highly nonlinear and unstable system, it is very challenging in order to construct the high performance controllers to regulate the position of the levitation ball. This work involves the design of PID controller, Optimized PID controller. The real time implementation on the magnetic levitation kit has been carried out.In the above work, we acquired a high precision control to levitate a steel ball in the desired position.


Magnetic Levitation System, PID, Genetic Algorithm, Performance Criteria.

How to Cite this Article?

Kishore, S., and Vasanthi, D. (2013). GA Based PID Control Of Magnetic Levitation System. i-manager’s Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 1(4), 27-31.


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