Methods of Placement and Installation of UFM to Extend the Linearity Range of Measurement

Sheikh Rafik Manihar Ahmed*
Control System Engineer, Fluor Daniel India Private Limited, Gurgaon, New Delhi, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2013


This paper explains the different Methods of Placement and Installation of Ultrasonic Flow Measuring Instrument on the Pipe of different configuration to extend the linearity range of measurement up to maximum of the input range. Accurate flow measurement is an essential requirement both from qualitative and economic points of view. Among the non contact type of flow measurement, Ultrasonic Flow Measurement (UFM) is widely used to measure flow, because of its advantage like high resolution and less interference of noise on output. However, non linear characteristics of Ultrasonic flow meters have restricted its use [1-2]. But the different arrangement and Installation method helps us to understand, how to linearise the overall system to maximise its full scale range and to make it adaptive to variations in pipe diameter, liquid density, and liquid temperature [3-4]. A flowmeter installed in such a pipeline should indicate the volumetric flowrate correctly and independently of the flow profile. The ultrasonic flowmeter integrates, or averages, the velocity along its measuring paths [8- 11]. Clamp-on transducers eliminate in-line installation, allowing one meter to be used at many locations. For easy installation, no moving parts and no contact between transducer and Fluid is required. Exterior installation eliminates pressure losses and prevents leaking that can be associated with in-line meter installations [15].


Clamp-on Transducer, In-line Meter, Ultrasonic Transreceiver, Transit time, Doppler Shift, Ultrasonic Flow Meter, Calibration Scale (CS), Full Scale (FS), Absolute Error, Sonic Coupling, Laminar, Turbulent, Direct Mode, Reflecting Mode.

How to Cite this Article?

Ahmed, S.R.M. (2013). Methods of Placement and Installation of UFM To Extend The Linearity Range of Measurement. i-manager’s Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 1(4), 6-11.


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