Stakeholder Engagement in Business Intelligence (BI) Solutions - A Case Study in End User Involvement

Richard M. Kesner*
*Executive Professor,Management Information Systems,College of Business Administration
Periodicity:September - November'2008


In advocating for a stakeholder engagement approach to BI system development and deployment, this article draws upon the author's twenty-plus years of experience in data and knowledge management system engineering (Kesner, 2003). For a relevant example, the author employs his most recent field work with the Haverhill School District, Massachusetts, U.S.A. While the reader may not consider a public school district as a representative setting for a BI implementation, the author would observe that the Haverhill BI project possesses all the trappings and issues confronted by a typical BI effort, including: serious resource constraints, time pressures to deliver a solution quickly and within budget, the absence of strong in-house data management and analysis expertise, and weak stakeholder understanding of and hence the commitment in engaging the solution delivery. The success of the undertaking in Haverhill illustrates that by focusing on bringing end users into the core BI development process and in vesting them with ongoing system maintenance and support responsibilities, an organization no matter how modest can achieve its BI objectives.


How to Cite this Article?

Richard M. Kesner (2008). Stakeholder Engagement in Business Intelligence (BI) Solutions - A Case Study in End User Involvement. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(2), 19-33.


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