Digital modulation using wavelet shift keying

R.Brindha*, G.A.Sathish kumar**
* Second Year M.E Communication System, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai.
** Professor of ECE, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai.
Periodicity:October - December'2013


So for we have seen many modulation techniques in which sine wave (carrier)is used to modulate digital data .In this paper digital data are modulated using wavelets (carrier). Initially only one mother wavelet is created and later scaled version of mother wavelet is derived for each bits in digital data. The scaled wavelets is used to perform digital modulation. The Performance of proposed technique is compared with conventional modulation schemes in terms of bit error rate (BER) and power efficiency (PE).


Wavelets, Modulation, Bit Error Rate, Spectral Efficiency, Wavelet Shift Keying.

How to Cite this Article?

Brindha.R., and Kumar,S.G.A. (2014). Digital Modulation Using Wavelet Shift Keying. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 1(4), 27-30.


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