Business Intelligence: Some Paramount Caveats Associated With an Elusive Construct

Kathleen Patterson*, Paul Carr**
Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership at Regent University s School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Periodicity:September - November'2008


Business intelligence is a deceptively straightforward construct that has many dissimilar definitions throughout the business arena. When managers and the leaders of organizations speak of this construct they may often agree upon models or theories of implementation without making the warranted efforts to operationally define the construct for them selves. This manuscript will attempt to offer some operational definitions of business intelligence as well as tender significant insight into the process of operationally defining the construct from an organizational leadership perspective. An inquiry into the human aspects of agency, learning and intelligence will hopefully create environments for organizational leaders to include the citizens of an organization in the process of operationally defining this construct for themselves.


Business Intelligence, Strategy, Organizational Leadership

How to Cite this Article?

Kathleen Patterson and Paul Carr (2008). Business Intelligence: Some Paramount Caveats Associated with an Elusive Construct. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(2), 14-18.


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