It Takes a Village to Assure Nurse Professionalism

Leslee H. Shepard*
*Associate Professor, Winston Salem State University & Affiliate Adjunct Faculty, Indiana Wesleyan University.
Periodicity:November - January'2014


Good quality professional behaviors are essential to the success of new graduate nurses. In contrast, documented incidents of unprofessional behaviors such as bullying are on the rise. This article examines the worldviews on causes for the decline of professionalism within the field of nursing. Implications for a sustained collaboration between staff development educators and nursing faculty are discussed including suggested strategies that enhance the professional behaviors conducive to a successful transition to practice.


Professionalism, Collaboration, Nursing Behaviors, Nurse Characteristics, Unprofessionalism.

How to Cite this Article?

Shepard, L.H. (2014). It Takes a Village to Assure Nurse Professionalism. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 3(4), 1-5.


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