This Paper explains the design, construction and installation of Multi-Layer Ultrasonic Level Measuring device stand, which makes the device contactless from liquids in an oil tank. The appropriate design of the multi-layer ultrasonic level measuring device (MLULM) stand helps for accurate measurement of level or interface level of the liquids to determine and examine the propagation of the ultrasonic wave pulse in oil, oil-water mixture (Emulsion or rag layer) and water liquids. A common measurement in these industries is detecting the interface level between two liquids or mixed liquids in the Oil refinery tank or vessel, such as oil, water and mixed liquids (Emulsion) is a must [5-9]. The difference in specific gravity or density of the two liquids in the refinery tanks shows that the lower density liquid will float on top of the higher density liquid in the oil refinery tank. But an emulsion or water-oil mixed rag layer will exist between the oil and water liquids [16, 4]. This interface situation creates multiple interfaces between more than two products or the interface between a lower density liquid and a higher density liquid in the oil refinery tank. An oil refinery does not want any water to enter the distillation process. Accuracy is very important here because any crude oil in the water means product losses, and presence of water in the oil requires extra inlet separation processing for refinery Industry [11-14]. The Separation of the Liquids in the refinery tank is done easily due to a difference in the density or specific gravity of the Liquids. This difference is enough to cause the water and oil to be separate. It may be too small of a difference on which to base an interface measurement. Some variables are required to control the process such as the overall level value needed as well as the interface and the thickness of the upper layer to prevent cross contamination of the separate liquids.