Survey of Adaptive scheme for QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks

Sivaranjini. R*, K. Sakthisudhan**
* Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur.
** Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Bannari AmmaN Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.
Periodicity:October - December'2013


Accurate data extraction is difficult; it is often too costly to obtain all sensor readings, as well as not necessary in the sense that the readings themselves only represent samples of the true state of the world. Clustering and prediction techniques, which exploit spatial and temporal correlation among the sensor data, provide opportunities for reducing the energy consumption of continuous sensor data collection and to achieve network energy efficiency and stability. So as we propose an adaptive scheme to control power-aware data collection in wireless sensor networks by integrating adaptively enabling/disabling prediction scheme. Our framework is clustering based. A cluster head represents all sensor nodes in the cluster and collects data values from them. Our framework is general enough to incorporate many advanced features and we show how sleep/awake scheduling can be applied, which takes our framework approach to designing a practical algorithm for data aggregation: it avoids the need for rampant node-to-node propagation of aggregates, but rather it uses faster and more efficient cluster-to-cluster propagation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work adaptively enabling/disabling prediction scheme for clustering-based continuous data collection in sensor networks. When a cluster node fails because of energy depletion we need to choose alternative cluster for that particular region. Our proposed models, analysis, and framework are validated via simulation and comparison with competing techniques in order to achieve better energy efficiency and QoS.


Sensor Networks, Failure Node, Algorithm/protocol Design, Clustering, Adaptive Prediction

How to Cite this Article?

Sivaranjini, R., and Sakthisudhan, K. (2013). Survey of Adaptive Scheme for Qos in Wireless Sensor Networks, i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks. 2(3), 20-27.


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