Palmprint Verification Based On Competitive Coding and Robust Line Orientation Coding Schemes

Mary Jeya Priya R*, Gayathri S**, Lakshmipriya C***, M. Arunkumar****
*-** P.G Scholar, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India.
***-**** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2013


There is an increasing interest in the development of reliable, rapid and non-intrusive security control systems. Among the many approaches, biometrics such as palmprints provide highly effective automatic mechanisms used for personal identification. This paper proposed a new method for extracting features from palmprints using the Competitive Coding Scheme and Robust Line Orientation Coding(RLOC) Scheme. The Competitive Coding Scheme uses multiple 2-D Gabor filters to extract orientation information from palm lines. This information is then stored in a feature vector called the Competitive Code. In Robust Line Orientation Code for palmprint verification, performance is improved by using three strategies. Firstly, a modified finite Radon transform (MFRAT) is proposed, which can extract the orientation feature of palmprint more accurately and solve the problem of sub-sampling. Secondly, the authors construct an enlarged training set to solve the problem of large rotations caused by imperfect preprocessing. Finally, a matching algorithm based on pixel-to-area comparison has been designed, which has better fault tolerant ability. The experimental results of verification on Palmprint Database show that the proposed approach has higher recognition rate and faster processing speed.


Palmprint, Angular Matching, Orientation, Modified Finite Radon transform.

How to Cite this Article?

Priya, R. M. J., Gayathri S, Lakshmipriya, C., and Arunkumar, M. (2013). Palmprint Verification Based On Competitive Coding and Robust Line Orientation Coding Schemes. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 8(2), 26-31.


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