Branch Coverage Testing Using Anti-Random Technique

Hashim J.Hasan*, 0**, Basel A. Mahafzah***
*-**-*** Department of Computer Science, King Abdullah II School for Information Technology, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Periodicity:October - December'2013


Software testing is one of the most important, costly and time consuming phase in software development. Anti-random testing chooses the test case where it's total distance from all previous test cases is the maximum, using the Hamming distance and Cartesian distance as measures of difference. In this paper, the authors present an anti-random technique to achieve high branch coverage in white-box testing, depending on the hypothesis that any two test values with small distance mostly discover the same errors and faults. Experimental results show that anti-random testing yields acceptable results, but the target of branch coverage is not achieved in all cases. We executed the algorithm 60 times over ten different programs, and they found that coverage achieved for eight programs runs with high performance in terms of execution time.


Software Testing, White Box Testing; Branch Coverage; Random Test Generation; Anti-Random Test Generation.

How to Cite this Article?

Hasan, J. H., Alshraideh, A. M., and Mahafzah, A. B. (2013). Branch Coverage Testing Using Anti-Random Technique. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 8(2), 7-19.


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