Meta-Narrative on Guidance and Councelling in Schools

Ismail Thamarasseri*
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education, Central University of Kashmir, 190004 - Srinagar, J&K, India..
Periodicity:November - January'2014


The purposes of guidance and counselling provide emphasis and strength to the educational program. The major goals of counselling are to promote personal growth and to prepare students to become motivated workers and responsible citizens. The chief aim of educational guidance is to develop the ability of co-ordinating with the school environment in the pupils to create necessary awareness and sensitivity, so that they may select themselves proper learning objectives, devices and situations. Educators recognize that in addition to intellectual challenges, students encounter personal/social, educational, and career challenges. School guidance and counselling programs need to address these challenges and to promote educational success. This article examines the aims of guidance and counselling programs, the role of the counsellor, major guidance and counselling services, methods of counselling, and evaluation of guidance and counselling programs. The focus of guidance and counselling programs in schools are to assist individuals to develop the ability to understand them, to solve their own problems, and to make appropriate adjustments to their environment.


Guidance and Counselling, School Education, Evaluation and Assessment

How to Cite this Article?

Thamarasseri, I. (2014). Meta-Narrative on Guidance and Counselling in Schools. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(3), 1-8.


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