Influence of variables on Consumer behavior towards Kitchen durables : A Case study specific to Kochi

Anilkumar N*, Jelsey Joseph**
*-** Research Scholar, Karpagam University and Chief Manager, Sai Kripa, Kerala, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2013


Consumer attitude is antecedent to behavior and is a relatively global and enduring evaluation of an object of consumption, issue, person or an act(Philip Kotler,2008). Attitudes guide one's thoughts, influence feelings and affect behaviors. Changes in behavioral patterns of consumers over the years has been due to several factors and best described by the consumer acculturation. A study of current Consumer purchase behavior-attitude towards durables nexus conditioned by the consumer related personal factors, social factors and the market factors as per TPB blended with TAM are discussed herein based on study conducted at Kochi in 2012-13 period for White durables based on random sampling and with a HH sample size of 200, durables retailer sample size of 40. That the study of consumer has assumed importance in the modern market segmentation, targeting and product positioning, discernable & imperative in the new acculturated consumer centric marketing of durables in Kerala, notably it's commercial hub, Urban Kochi.


Consumer Attitude, BI, Behavior, Durables, SN, PBC, Motive, Family dynamics, TPB, TAM.

How to Cite this Article?

Anilkumar N and Jelsey Joseph (2013). Influence of variables on Consumer behavior towards Kitchen durables: A Case study specific to Kochi. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 8(2), 34-44.


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