Performance Comparison of Carbon Nanotube, Graphene Nano Ribon and Silicon Nanowire Transistors

S. B. Siddique*, T. M. Faruqi**, B.C. Sarkar***, Mahmudul Hasan****
*, **, *** Electronics and Electrical Engineering.
****Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, University of Information Technology and Sciences, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:September - November'2013


Graphene Nanoribbons(GNR) and Carbon Nanotubes(CNT) represent a novel class of low-dimensional materials. These Graphene based nanostructures are used in wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology applications. In this article, the performance potential of ballistic Graphene and Silicon Nanowire(SiNW) field effect transistors are examined for future high-performance applications. A thorough investigation has been made to realize the performance of these three types of transistors in terms of drain current, transconductance, number of mobile charge, quantum capacitance, gate capacitance, gate delay and cut off frequency using ballistic top of the barrier model. On-current, transconductance and gate capacitance control the switching speed of a transistor. It is shown that, the on-current in carbon based channel is higher as well as ION/IOFF is higher than SiNW channel due to lower effective mass. Higher on-current indicates sharper slope in current curve which ensures higher transconductance. It is also shown that the density of states(DOS) of CNT and GNR transistors are lower than the SiNW transistor. Through extensive computer simulation it is shown that the Graphene transistors can be the candidates for future digital switches. It is also important that SiNW transistors in are potentially attractive, given the central role of silicon in the semiconductor industry and the existing set of known fabrication technologies.



How to Cite this Article?

Siddique, S.B., Faruqi, T. M., Sarkar, B.C., and Hasan, M. (2013). Performance Comparison Of Carbon Nanotube, Graphene Nano Ribon And Silicon Nanowire Transistors. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 4(1), 1-10.


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