Determination of Power of High Pressure Steam Turbine Blading Using CFD Analysis

0*, P. Nanda Kumar**, P. S. Ravi Kumar***
* Assistant Professor, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, (Autonomous), Chittoor, A.P., India.
** Professor of Mechanical Engineering, NBKR institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar, Nellore (d.t), A.P., India.
*** Associate Professor, NBKR institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar, Nellore (d.t), A.P., India.
Periodicity:August - October'2013


In a high pressure Steam Turbine, coupled CFD analysis of steam flow is done, carrying the smaller blade passages, but it is complex and involve understanding of energy conversion in 3D geometries. Out of 17 stages of Steam Turbine, 8 stages of high Pressure Steam Turbine are considered with extended terminal labyrinth seals. Their influence and the effects on performance are analyzed. Design considerations and estimation of power of high Pressure Steam Turbine using CFD, assist in optimizing the design. The CFD results are in concurrence with the two dimensional results. Practical engineering method for obtaining axisymmetric solution has been developed and results are presented and discussed.


Steam Turbine, Blade Flow Path, CFD, I-DEAS.

How to Cite this Article?

Krishnaiah, M. S., Kumar, P. N., & Kumar, P. R. (2013). Determination of Power of High Pressure Steam Turbine Blading Using CFD Analysis. i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 3(4), 25-32.


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