Mental Health Status: A Study Among Higher Secondary Students

Professor in Psychology, Christian College of Nursing, Neyyoor.
Periodicity:August - October'2013


Education is the totality of the process within which the students experiences are structured in order to promote desired learning. Education is a plan and procedure for the development of an individual. Education helps to attain the goal of life of an individual. Student period is one of the important periods in life to plan their future. To achieve the goals of their study, mental health of the student is one of the important factors. Health is the condition of being sound in body, mind or spirit and especially free from physical disease or pain. Health is essential for good living. A sound mental health leads to peace and happiness to an individual. If the mental health of the student is good he can adjust himself with others in the school, home and society and he has confidence about his studies and career. The investigator made an attempt to study the Mental Health Status among Higher Secondary Students and give suggestions to improve the Mental Health Status of higher secondary students.


Mental Health, Mental Hygiene, Education, Higher Secondary Students, Conflicts, Anxiety, Self Actualization, Attitude towards the Self, Integration, Autonomy, Perception of Reality, Environmental Mastery

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, J, L, V. (2013). Mental Health Status: A Study Among Higher Secondary Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(2), 42-49.


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