Psychological and Socio-demographic Correlates of Academic Performance distinguishing Completers and Non-Completers in Distance Education

Sarwat Sultan*, Martin Hagger**
* Department of Applied Psychology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.
** School of Psychology & Speech Pathology, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Periodicity:August - October'2013


This paper addresses the findings of a study conducted on identifying the psychological and socio-demographic factors contributing in completers and non-completers of distance learning program. A sample of 232 distance learners ranging in age between 25-45 years old participated in this study. For psychological factors, the Perceived Competence Scale (Williams & Deci, 1996) and Achievement Motivation Scale (Murray, 1983) were administered to them along with asking socio-demographic variables namely age, gender, disability, employment and marital status. Participants’ average scores in mid and final examination were used as their academic performance. Findings showed that completers of distance education have been found significant higher on perceived competence and achievement motivation (i.e. work, mastery, & competitiveness) than non-completers. Results also revealed that psychological variables of perceived competence and achievement motivation are significantly positively related with completers’ academic performance than that of non-completers. Furthermore, it was identified that the distance learners who were with younger age group, female gender, non-disability, nonworking conditions, and single status completed their program having higher academic performance. While non-completers’ academic performance was found more poor in older group, male gender, disabled, employed, and married students. On the basis of these findings, it is underlined that formulation of policies for distance education and curriculum should be based on consideration of these factors.


Academic Performance, Perceived Competence, Achievement Motivation, Distance Learners, Socio-Demographic Variables

How to Cite this Article?

Sultan, S., and Hagger, M. (2013). Psychological and Socio-demographic Correlates of Academic Performance Distinguishing Completers and Non-completers in Distance Education. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(2), 23-29.


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