Applied Mathematical Statistical Modeling to Determine the Validity and Reliability of Independent Instructional Measures

James Edward Osler II*, Mahmud A. Mansaray**
* North Carolina Central University.
** Research Analyst, Department of Research, Evaluation and Planning, North Carolina Central University.
Periodicity:July - September'2013


Most universities and colleges in United States and elsewhere use student ratings of instruction for summative (e.g. faculty promotion, etc.) and formative (e.g. instructional improvement, etc.) evaluation purposes. This research examines the reliability and validity of the rating instrument used to evaluate teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes. The sample consisted of 7,919 students of Historic Black College and University [HBCU] who completed the 2012 spring semester. Student Ratings of Instruction [SRI] survey (a measurement instrument used by students to assess instruction in courses in which they are currently enrolled) was used. The application of the Cronbach's Alpha Reliability Model, in the study helps to find strong internal reliability [consistency] of the rating instrument used to comprehensively assess teaching quality. At the same time, the application of Principal Component Factor Analysis with Varimax Rotation also finds strong construct validity of the assessment tool used to evaluate faculty.


Student Ratings of Instruction; Construct Validity; Reliability; Cronbach's Alpha, Principal Component Factor Analysis, Statistics

How to Cite this Article?

Osler, J. E., II. and Mansaray, M.A. (2013). Applied Mathematical Statistical Modeling to Determine The Validity And Reliability of Independent Instructional Measures. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 2(3), 12-31.


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