Enhancing Security in Cloud Computing by Combining Dynamic Broadcast Encryption and Group Signature

V. Ganesh Karthikeyan*, R.Malar Priya**, R.Kalpana***
* Assistant Professor, Adithya Institute of Technology,
**-*** PG Scholars, Adithya Institute of Technology
Periodicity:June - August'2013
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.1.2.2449


Cloud computing refers to a network that distributes processing power, applications, and large systems among many computers. Cloud computing seems to offer some incredible benefits for communicators: the availability of an incredible array of software applications, access to lightning-quick processing power, unlimited storage, and the ability to easily share and process information. All of this is available through the browser any time it can access the Internet. While this might all appear enticing, there remain issues of reliability, portability, privacy, and security, since the data transmission on the internet or over any networks are vulnerable to the hackers attack. The authors are in great need of encrypting the data. This paper combines the techniques of cloud data storage and content Distribution by dynamic broadcast encryption algorithm along with the Bit Torrent application which results in minimizing the difficulties of bulky data and aims in resulting efficient sharing of the secure storage services in cloud computing.


Bit Torrent, Content Distribution, Dynamic Broadcast Encryption, Group Signature.

How to Cite this Article?

Karthikeyan, V.G., Priya, R.M., and Kalpana, R. (2013). Enhancing Security In Cloud Computing By Combining Dynamic Broadcast Encryption And Group Signature. i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 1(2), 24-28. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.1.2.2449


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