Drivers Towards E-Business in the Steel Product Industry

Heli Helaakoski*, P. Iskanius**, Irina Peltomaa***, Tom Page****
*, *** VTT Electronics, Rantakatu 5, Roche, Finland.
** Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Oulu, Finland.
**** Department of Design and Technology, Loughborough University Loughborough, Leics.
Periodicity:December - February'2009


This paper studies the importance of agility in today's business environment. We propose a new business model "a virtual enterprise" (VE) and since the success of VE depends of intensive information sharing we propose a supporting software solution for business network. The research work is conducted via case study in real life business network, which consist of several small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and one focal company. The case study describes the design and implementation of agent-based inter-organisational system (IOS), which enables maximum effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of supply chain network.


How to Cite this Article?

Heli Helaakoski, P. Iskanius, Irina Peltomaa and Tom Page (2009). Drivers Towards E-business in the Steel Product Industry. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(3), 44-52.


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