Existing Intrusion Detection System Using Data Mining: A Survey

Nikhil Kulshrestha*, **
* MCA Student, Institute of Information Technology and Management, India.
** Associate Professor (IT), Institute of Information Technology and Management, India
Periodicity:June - August'2013
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jit.2.3.2406


Data Mining is a process of discovering patterns in a large data set. On other side Network Security is a most significant problem of Information Era. An Intrusion Detection System is an important part of the security management system for computers and networks that tries to detect break-ins or break-in attempts. There are various approaches for intrusion detection system such as signature – based, anomaly – based, specification – based. Among all the available approaches, anomaly detection approach is the one which is suitable for detecting the novel attacks. By using of data mining techniques in network security new intrusion detection systems are developed. This paper will discuss some data mining techniques which are applied to create intrusion detection systems and their performance comparisons.


Data mining, Intrusion Detection System, SNORT, Network Intrusion Detection System, Association Rule Mining, Frequent Episode Rule.

How to Cite this Article?

Kulshrestha, N., and Dahiya, R. (2013). Existing Intrusion Detection System Using Data Mining: A Survey. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 2(3), 19-24. https://doi.org/10.26634/jit.2.3.2406


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