De noising and Sharpening of Color Filter Captured Images using Adaptive Transformation

D. Anitha *, Ramya S.**
*-** Assistant Professor, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, India
Periodicity:June - August'2013


Obtaining cost-effective images with diagnosis quality is a current challenge, and this paper proposes a noise removal algorithm for color images corrupted by additive Gaussian noise and a robust open close sequence filter based on mathematical morphology for high probability additive Gaussian noise removal is given. First, an additive Gaussian noise detector using mathematical residues is to identify pixels that are contaminated by the additive Gaussian noise. Then the image is restored using specialized open-close sequence algorithms that apply only to the noisy pixels. But the color blocks that degrade the quality of the image will be recovered by a block smart erase method. This algorithm can be applied to highly corrupted images. Mathematical morphology is a nonlinear image processing methodology that is based on the application of lattice theory to spatial structures. In color images, algorithms are developed for boundary extraction via a morphological gradient operation and for region partitioning based on texture content. Mathematical morphological operations are useful in smoothing and sharpening, which often are useful as per or post processing steps.


Adaptive Image Denoising, Adaptive Image Enhancement, Color Image Processing, Wavelet Domain

How to Cite this Article?

Anitha, D., and Ramya, S. (2013). Denoising And Sharpening Of Color Filter Captured Images Using Adaptive Transformation. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 2(3), 1-6.


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