Acquired And Required Competencies In Interactive Computer In Labour Market Sector From The Employers'

Adodo. S.O*, Adewole Timothy**
*-** Department of Science and Technical Education, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko
Periodicity:June - August'2013


This study investigated acquired and required competencies in interactive computer technology (ICT) in labour data were collected from employers’ and employees’. The study is a descriptive research of the survey type. The population of the study consisted of unemployed graduates, employed graduates and various parastatal where graduates seek for employment in Ondo state. The study sample consisted of fifty employed graduates randomly selected from different parts in Ondo state, one hundred unemployed graduates randomly selected from different parts of Ondo state and fifty employers of 6 six respondents each from the Banking Sector, Radio Station, Power Holding Company Sector, Local Government Sector, Hospital, Teaching Service Commission Sector, Construction Companies Sector, Police Force and Road Safety were randomly selected for the study. A self developed questionnaire was used to gather information for this study. Six research questions were raised for the study and analyzed using frequency percentage count and simple percentage. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made.


Acquired Competencies, Required Competencies, Graduates, Employers, Employees, University, Computer.

How to Cite this Article?

Adodo. S. O. and Timothy,A. (2013). Acquired And Required Competencies In Interactive Computer In Labour Market Sector From The Employers.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 9(1), 17-30.


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