This paper Introduces, a new concept of controlling complex power (simultaneous active and reactive powers) through series inverter of UPQC is introduced and named as UPQC-S. The proposed concept of the UPQC-S approach is mathematically formulated and analyzed for voltage sag and swell conditions. The developed comprehensive equations for UPQC-S can be utilized to estimate the required series injection voltage and the shunt compensating current profiles (magnitude and phase angle), and the overall VA loading both under voltage sag and swell conditions.The simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed concept of simultaneous voltage sag/swell and load reactive power sharing feature of series part of UPQC-S. The significant advantages of UPQC-S over general UPQC applications are:1) the multifunction ability of series inverter to compensate voltage variation (sag, swell, etc.) while supporting load reactive power; 2) better utilization of series inverter rating of UPQC; and 3) reduction in the shunt inverter rating due to the reactive power sharing by both the inverters.The UPQC apparatus is a good compensation system if wide installation of shunt units is needed. An increase in the percentage of the protected load enhances the voltage stabilization interval over which the UPQC can significantly improve the power quality.


Sag/Swell and Load Reactive Power Compensation Using UPQC_S

B. Suresh Kumar*, B. Veeresha Lingam**, S. Praveena***
* Assistant Professor, EEE Department, Chaithanyabharathi Institue of Technology, Hyderabad, A.P.
** PG Student, CBIT, (PS&PE).
*** Assistant Professor, ECE Department, Mahathmagandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, A.P.
Periodicity:May - July'2013


This paper Introduces, a new concept of controlling complex power (simultaneous active and reactive powers) through series inverter of UPQC is introduced and named as UPQC-S. The proposed concept of the UPQC-S approach is mathematically formulated and analyzed for voltage sag and swell conditions. The developed comprehensive equations for UPQC-S can be utilized to estimate the required series injection voltage and the shunt compensating current profiles (magnitude and phase angle), and the overall VA loading both under voltage sag and swell conditions.The simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed concept of simultaneous voltage sag/swell and load reactive power sharing feature of series part of UPQC-S. The significant advantages of UPQC-S over general UPQC applications are:1) the multifunction ability of series inverter to compensate voltage variation (sag, swell, etc.) while supporting load reactive power; 2) better utilization of series inverter rating of UPQC; and 3) reduction in the shunt inverter rating due to the reactive power sharing by both the inverters.The UPQC apparatus is a good compensation system if wide installation of shunt units is needed. An increase in the percentage of the protected load enhances the voltage stabilization interval over which the UPQC can significantly improve the power quality.


Active Power Filter (APF), Power Angle Control (PAC), Power Quality, Reactive Power Compensation, Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) [18], Voltage Sag and Swell Compensation

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, B. S., Lingam, B. V., and Praveena, S. (2013). Sag/Swell and Load Reactive Power Compensation Using UPQC_S. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 1(2), 17-24.


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