Certain Investigations On Soft Computing Approach For Early Detection Of Diabetic Retinopathy

D.Gowthami*, R.Jayanthi**
* PG Scholar, Department of ECE, Nandha College of Technology, Erode.
** Professor, Department of ECE, Nandha College of Technology, Erode.
Periodicity:May - July'2013
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jic.1.3.2354


Diabetic retinopathy remains the leading cause of severe vision loss and blindness in the developed world, in spite of recognized ocular treatments that are successful at reducing the rate of vision impairment. Retinal photography appears a promising method to perform screening in such a setting utilizing new 45 degrees + retinal cameras that do not require pupil dilation and can be operated by a trained, non ophthalmic technician. Certain developments may make the photography more successful including the conversion to electronic chip camera sensors that allow each picture as it is taken to be immediately projected onto a monitor for evaluation and assessment. Utilizing a non mydriatic camera, studies of single-field photography through a dilated pupil have demonstrated superior or equal sensitivity to funds examination by an ophthalmologist in a number of studies. However, photography without pupil dilation, especially in the older age group may result in poor-quality photographs owing to intense bilateral pupil constriction after the first images and also due to the presence of cataracts. Computer analysis of the retinal images allows extraction of quantitative data, not only of the diabetic lesions but also of vascular changes that, up until now, have been impossible by human grading and potentially allows a much more detailed and quantitative evaluation of the progression of retinopathy over time. When success of image processing algorithms is demonstrated for a large number of images taken under screening conditions, the benefits of retinal photography and image processing to provide timely, reliable, quantitative and cost-effective results, will make this the preferred method over physician examination or human grader evaluation of the images.


Biomedical Image Processing, Image Classification, Pattern Recognition, Medical Decision-Making, Diabetic Retinopathy

How to Cite this Article?

Gowthami, D., and Jayanthi, R. (2013). Certain Investigations On Soft Computing Approach For Early Detection Of Diabetic Retinopathy. i-manager’s Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 1(3), 31-39. https://doi.org/10.26634/jic.1.3.2354


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