To Study The Relationship Of Academic Stress And Socio-Economic Status Among IXStandard Students Of Raipur City

Suhail Ahmed Khan*, Khan Farhat Ayyub**
* Principal, Marathwada College of Education, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
** NET (Education), Research Student.
Periodicity:May - July'2013


This paper focuses on the relationship between academic stress and socio-economic status among IX standard students. The research was carried out in Raipur City (Chhattisgarh) on a sample of 600 IX standard students of English and Hindi medium schools. Academic Stress was measured by Stress Inventory for School Students prepared by Seema Rani & Basant Bahadur Singh. Socio – Economic Status was measured by using Socio – Economic Status Scale prepared by Sunil Kumar Upadhyay & Alka Saxena. Survey method was conducted for collection of data. The result revealed that there is positive but low relationship between Academic Stress and SES of English and Hindi medium students. The difference in the level of Academic Stress of English and Hindi medium students is found to be insignificant whereas the difference in level of Academic Stress of Boys and Girls of both English and Hindi medium schools is found to be significant.


Academic Stress, Socio-Economic-Status, Gender, Language of Instruction

How to Cite this Article?

Suhail Ahmed Khan and Khan Farhat Ayyub (2013). The Relationship Of Academic Stress And Socio-Economic Status Among IX Standard Students Of Raipur City. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(1), 34-42.


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