Model of Preceptorship: An Effective Clinical Approach for Nurses

Mehtab Qutbuddin Jaffer*
*MScN (Final Year Student), BScN, RN, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karachi.
Periodicity:May - July'2013


It is always challenging for nursing faculties to prepare nursing students for successful transition from student life to the real world of nursing practice. Preceptorship is considered as an essential support for final year nursing students and newly graduate nurses in their first year of clinical practice. There is significant need to introduce and enhance nurse preceptor role in nursing education so that nursing student learn to deal with real life scenarios related to patient care. This article designed to provide overview about preceptors and preceptorship model that will result in creating positive learning environment not only for preceptee but for preceptor as well. Through literature review and authors own experience as a preceptor and student, this article will suggest possible strategies for human resource, nursing services department, unit managers and faculty level so that preceptorship can be implementing in a better manner.


Preceptor and, Preceptorship, Nurse Education and, Teaching Learning

How to Cite this Article?

Jaffer, M.Q. (2013). Model of Preceptorship: An Effective Clinical Approach for Nurses . i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 3(2), 1-6.


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