Transient Fault Response of Grid Connected Wind Electric Generators

G. Vikram*, B. Linga Reddy**, ***
*Department of EEE, Vijaya Krishna Institute of Technology and Sciences, Hyderabad.
** Dept.of Physics, CBIT, Hyderabad.
*** Department of EEE, CBIT,Hyderabad.
Periodicity:April - June'2013


In recent years, as demand is increasing continuously, the search for renewable energy sources is intensified. Wind energy is one of the latest renewable energy sources and this paper is intended at presenting the impact of wind generators on the transient response of a power system network. The analysis is carried out for different types of wind generators i.e., Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG), Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) for asymmetrical fault i.e. LLG fault on the system and the simulation is carried out on Matlab/Simulink software.


Doubly fed induction generator, Squirrel cage induction generator, Matlab/Simulink, Wind turbine

How to Cite this Article?

Vikram, G., Reddy, B.L., and Prasad, P. V. (2013). Transient Fault Response Of Grid Connected Wind Electric Generators.. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 6(4), 27-31.


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