Condition Monitoring of SF6 Filled Make Switch with Special Emphasis on Troubleshooting

G Venkateswarlu*, N.R. Mondal**, J.R. Gajbhiye***
*-*--*** Central Power Resesarch institute, STDS, Bhopal.
Periodicity:April - June'2013


Make switch is used in short circuit testing laboratories. The Make Switch used in CPRI laboratories combine high current (80 kA rms) or high voltage (up to 24 kV rms) of electrical circuits with a brief and accurate closing time (<14 ms, ± 0.2ms) during a 100msec to 3sec short circuit test. The role of make switch during short circuit testing is crucial. Hence condition monitoring of make switch should get utmost important in the short circuit plant. Make switch cannot open under load,and is designed to ensure desired operation and facilitate maintenance of of it. During operation of make switch, safety of equipments is of prime importance. It is to be ensured that any operation of make switch does not damage its own parts or other electrical equipments. This is achieved by proper designing of mechanical and electrical interlocks in the control scheme. This paper emphasizes the importance of make switch during short circuit testing and its condition monitoring & troubleshooting.


Double acting actuator, No load timing test, Short circuit test, Fixed & Moving contacts and Monitoring & Trouble shooting

How to Cite this Article?

Venkateswarlu, G., Mondal, N. R., and Gajbhiye, J. R. (2013). Condition Monitoring Of SF6 Filled Make Switch With Special Emphasis On Troubleshooting. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 6(4), 1-8.


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