An Efficient Fuzzy Technique For Detection Of Brain Tumor

P.G.K. Sirisha*, R. Pradeep Kumar Reddy**, C. Naga Raju***
* Assistant Professor, CSE Department, SMIT Engineering College.
**-*** Associate Professor, CSE Department, YSR Engineering College.
Periodicity:April - June'2013


In this epoch Medical Image segmentation is one of the most challenging problems in the research field of MRI scan image classification and analysis. The importance of image segmentation is to identify various features of the image that are used for analyzing, interpreting and understanding of images. Image segmentation for MRI of brain is highly essential due to accurate detection of brain tumor. This paper presents an efficient image segmentation technique that can be used for detection of tumor in the Brain. This innovative method consists of three steps. First is Image enhancement to improve the quality of the tumor image by eliminating noise and to normalize the image. Second is fuzzy logic which produce optimal threshold to avoid the fuzziness in the image and makes good regions regarding Image and tumor part of the Image. Third is novel OTSU technique applied for separating the tumor regions in the MRI. This method has produced better results than traditional extended OTSU method.


Fuzziness, Segmentation, OTSU, Weight, Crisp Set, Tumor

How to Cite this Article?

P.G.K. Sirisha, R. Pradeep Kumar and C. Naga Raju (2013). An Efficient Fuzzy Technique For Detection Of Brain Tumor. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 7(4), 13-17.


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