Today’s process industries have increasingly come to rely on information gained from networks of sensors installed at key points through the factory or field site. Measurement of air pressure, electrical current, weight load, fuel levels, temperature, corrosion, pipe flow, seismic activity – such readings are critical to the effective and efficient safe operation of oil pipelines and refineries, pharmaceutical and chemical companies, food and beverage manufacturers, and power plants. The evolution of sensor technologies has enabled managers and administrators to gain more insight into complex processes. For example, the introduction of microprocessors and digital communications led to Distributed Control Systems (DCSs) and the migration of intelligence into field devices, allowing enterprises to improve operations significantly. The main idea of our work is to provide a low cost, reliable and secured wireless automation using sensor networks through an efficient routing protocol, which would be compatible for industrial and home applications and to offer significantly improved monitoring, reduced energy consumption and power dissipation.


Secured Wireless Automation using Wireless Sensor Networks

S. Ganesh*, Sean Laurel Rex**, S. Arun Kumar***
* Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Engineer, ECE Department, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.
*** B.E Student, ECE Department, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2013


Today’s process industries have increasingly come to rely on information gained from networks of sensors installed at key points through the factory or field site. Measurement of air pressure, electrical current, weight load, fuel levels, temperature, corrosion, pipe flow, seismic activity – such readings are critical to the effective and efficient safe operation of oil pipelines and refineries, pharmaceutical and chemical companies, food and beverage manufacturers, and power plants. The evolution of sensor technologies has enabled managers and administrators to gain more insight into complex processes. For example, the introduction of microprocessors and digital communications led to Distributed Control Systems (DCSs) and the migration of intelligence into field devices, allowing enterprises to improve operations significantly. The main idea of our work is to provide a low cost, reliable and secured wireless automation using sensor networks through an efficient routing protocol, which would be compatible for industrial and home applications and to offer significantly improved monitoring, reduced energy consumption and power dissipation.


Wireless Sensor Networks, Process Control, Secured Automation, Routing Protocol, Reduced Energy Consumption.

How to Cite this Article?

Ganesh, S., Rex, S.L., and Kumar, S.A. (2013). Secured Wireless Automation Using Wireless Sensor Networks. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 2(1), 9-17.


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