The objective of the proposed system is designed to perform mobile banking in a secured way. To achieve this, the concept of Biometric person recognition method is introduced through the mobile devices. Biometrics can be categorized into two categories, they are Physiological and Behavioral. Physiological is based upon the direct measurements of a part of the human body and Behavioral is based on the action performed by the user. So, I decided to use the face recognition method, which is purely based on the physiological characteristic of the human body. The Face recognition technique implementation is done with the two existing algorithms (i.e) Viola Jones and Principle Component Analysis(PCA).The Viola Jones method is mainly used to check whether the image is present in the frame or not. The PCA method is based on Eigen values and Eigen vectors and performs distance calculation based on features of the face. With this proposed idea, secured access to restricted data/services during a standard Web Session is possible with the small handheld devices. For the image capturing and forwarding process the Android mobile is used.


Mobile Banking using Android based Biometrics System

Assistant Professor [Sl.Grade], Department of Information Technology, A.V.C.College of Engineering, Mannampandal, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2013


The objective of the proposed system is designed to perform mobile banking in a secured way. To achieve this, the concept of Biometric person recognition method is introduced through the mobile devices. Biometrics can be categorized into two categories, they are Physiological and Behavioral. Physiological is based upon the direct measurements of a part of the human body and Behavioral is based on the action performed by the user. So, I decided to use the face recognition method, which is purely based on the physiological characteristic of the human body. The Face recognition technique implementation is done with the two existing algorithms (i.e) Viola Jones and Principle Component Analysis(PCA).The Viola Jones method is mainly used to check whether the image is present in the frame or not. The PCA method is based on Eigen values and Eigen vectors and performs distance calculation based on features of the face. With this proposed idea, secured access to restricted data/services during a standard Web Session is possible with the small handheld devices. For the image capturing and forwarding process the Android mobile is used.


Android, Viola Jones, PCA

How to Cite this Article?

Rajganesh, N. (2013). Mobile Banking Using Android Based Biometrics System. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 2(2), 17-22.


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