Topology mismatch problem is the most vital barrier to the growth of P2P(Peer-to-Peer) networks. The random joining and leaving of nodes and the formation of the P2P overlay without considering the underlying physical network causes redundant traffic in the network which affects the performance of searching, forwarding and replying the queries. By using the Nodes Network Positioning, the system tries to form an overlay that reduces the network latency between the nodes and in turn reducing the unwanted traffic. The system is evaluated with proper simulations and the findings show improvement in the total system performance.
">Topology mismatch problem is the most vital barrier to the growth of P2P(Peer-to-Peer) networks. The random joining and leaving of nodes and the formation of the P2P overlay without considering the underlying physical network causes redundant traffic in the network which affects the performance of searching, forwarding and replying the queries. By using the Nodes Network Positioning, the system tries to form an overlay that reduces the network latency between the nodes and in turn reducing the unwanted traffic. The system is evaluated with proper simulations and the findings show improvement in the total system performance.