Accident Finding and Location Identification System Using Google Map

Ramachandran G*, R. Ramani**, S. Selvaraju***, B. Rajasekaran****, P.M. Murali*****
*-**-***-****-***** Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, V.M.K.V Engineering College, Salem, TamilNadu, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2013


The wireless black box using MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking system is developed for accidental monitoring. This system consists of various components, such as accelerometer, microcontroller unit, GPS and GSM module. If accident occurred in any place, the wireless sensor device will send SMS to family members, emergency medical service (EMS), correctionalternate"the nearest hospital with accident place using GPS system and Google map.The threshold algorithm and speed of motorcycle used to determine fall or accident in real-time process. This system is compact and easy to install.  The system is compact and easy to install. This system tested in real time applications. The test results show that it can detect to whether the normal ride or not with high accuracy.



How to Cite this Article?

Ramachandran, G., Ramani, R., Selvaraju, S., Rajasekaran, B., and Murali, P.M. (2013). Accident Finding and Location Identification System Using Google Map. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 3(3), 32-37.


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