A Study On Mobile Learning As A Learning Style In Modern Research Practice

D. R. Robert Joan*
Assistant Professor, M.E.T. College of Education.
Periodicity:March - May'2013
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.8.4.2249


Mobile learning is a kind of learning that takes place via a portable handheld electronic device. It also refers to learning via other kinds of mobile devices such as tablet computers, net-books and digital readers.  The objective of mobile learning is to provide the learner the ability to assimilate learning anywhere and at anytime. Mobile devices can be used not only to convey information but also can be used as modern comprehension. In present days mobile learning focus on the distance learning through mobile devices. Progression in mobile communication skill will push more educational atmosphere in which the interactive society is interested. The term mobile learning is a much more recent modification, motivated by mobile communications technology and modelled on expressions such as electronic learning, which refers more generally to learning and teaching supported by computers and other electronic devices. The investigator used the survey method to determine the development of global trends of mobile learning in modern research practice as a learning style. The investigator has used two tools for the present study. They are Mobile Learning Questionnaire and Personal data sheet. The major objective of this paper is to establish the progress of mobile learning as a learning style among student teachers and find the correlation between mobile learning and academic achievement among student teachers. The major hypothesis of this paper is there is no significant difference between mobile phone users and others in mobile learning as a learning style among student teachers. Also there is no significant correlation between mobile learning and academic achievement among student teachers. The major finding of this paper is there is significant difference between mobile phone users and others in mobile learning as a learning style among student teachers and there is significant correlation between mobile learning and academic achievement among student teachers. That is, the student teachers who are using mobile device are better than others in mobile learning as a learning style. Also the mobile learning and academic achievement have high correlation in the learning of student teachers. It is concluded that mobile phones increases learning paradigms and also the inventory related to learning.


Mobile Learning, Mobile Devices, Reading Mobile Learning, Audio Mobile Learning, Electronic Books, Digital Games, Online Media, Modern Education, Online Educational Content, Professional Development, Modern Research, Learning Style.

How to Cite this Article?

Joan,D.R.R. (2013). A Study On Mobile Learning As A Learning Style In Modern Research Practice.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 8(4), 29-37. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.8.4.2249


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