Numerical Simulation Of Turbulent Flow And Local Heat Transfer Coefficient Over A Horizontal Step

Yasser Rihan*
* Associate Professor, Hot Lab. Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt.
Periodicity:February - April'2013


This paper deals with a numerical analysis to investigate the heat transfer and the fluid flow behavior in a rectangular channel with a horizontal step on one principal wall. A mathematical model is proposed to simulate the heat transfer process inside the heat exchangers. The model is based on the conservation equations of continuity, momentum and energy. The two equations of turbulence model ‘k-ε’ are also applied. The implicit scheme of finite volume method is used for solving the coupled differential equations with iterative procedure. Thereby, the degree of flow separation is varied by changing the step height. The step height ratio (b/H) ranging from 0.25 to 0.75. The Reynolds number ranges from 10,000 to 80,000. The results show that the local heat-transfer coefficients in the separated reattached and redeveloped regions are several times as large as those for a fully developed flow. In general, the increase of the heat transfer coefficient owing to flow separation is accentuated as the Reynolds number increases. The comparison between the presented model and previously published experimental data shows a good agreement.


Simulation, Step, Turbulent flow, Heat Transfer.

How to Cite this Article?

Rihan , Y. (2013). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Local Heat Transfer Coefficient Over A Horizontal Step. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 8(3), 1-10.


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