Fuzzy Logiccontrol Of Differential Protection For Large Power Transformer

S.Padmini*, Subransu Sekhar Dash**, S. Chandrasekhar***, Priyanka Vedula****
* Assistant Professor, SRM University.
** Professor and Head, Department of EEE, SRM University, Shruti.
***-**** B. Tech Student, SRM University.
Periodicity:December - February'2013
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jcir.1.1.2194


Advances Differential prot ecti on system is us e d t o protect most of the power transformers in power systems. The protection system is based on the differential currents/voltages of the primary an d secondary of the transformers under fault conditions and under normal operating conditions. The inrus currents or the magnetizing currents are generated in the transformer when it is switched on to the transmission system or the external fault in the system is cleared. The inrush currents other than the fault currents may activate the differential protection system if suitable blocking scheme is not incorporated in the protection system of the power transformer. Therefore, identification of inrush current and the fault currents is the key to improve the security of the differential protection scheme. This paper proposes the development of a new algorithm to improve the differential protection performance by using fuzzy logic and Clarke's transform. The result obtained concludes an effective method to differentiate the different internal faults with accuracy as well as shows an improvement in the time taken to detect faults


MATLAB, Clarke’s transform, internal faults, differential protection, magnetizing inrush, fuzzy logic, power transformer.

How to Cite this Article?

Padmini, S., Dash, S. S., Chandrasekhar, S. and Vedula, P. (2013). Fuzzy Logiccontrol Of Differential Protection For Large Power Transformer. i-manager’s Journal on Circuits and Systems, 1(1), 10-15. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcir.1.1.2194


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