Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and mental human development that occurs between child hood and adulthood. Adolescent period starts with puberty. The period during which the capability for sexual reproduction is attained; it is marked by changes in both primary and secondary sexual characteristics and is  dated from menarche in girls and the emergence of pigmented pubic hair in boys. During Adolescence period psycho–social development,   psycho–sexual development are taking place because of all the developments adolescents play several roles and that creates problems in adolescents life. In this article the author gives some important behavior problems of adolescents and how to tackle or overcome these problems.


Adolescence Behaviour Problems : How To Tackle Or Prevent?

Professor in Psychology, Ponjesly College of Education, Nagercoil.
Periodicity:February - April'2013


Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and mental human development that occurs between child hood and adulthood. Adolescent period starts with puberty. The period during which the capability for sexual reproduction is attained; it is marked by changes in both primary and secondary sexual characteristics and is  dated from menarche in girls and the emergence of pigmented pubic hair in boys. During Adolescence period psycho–social development,   psycho–sexual development are taking place because of all the developments adolescents play several roles and that creates problems in adolescents life. In this article the author gives some important behavior problems of adolescents and how to tackle or overcome these problems.


Adolescence, Adolescent, Puberty, Psycho-Sexual Development, Psycho-Social Development, Suicide, Addiction, Depression.

How to Cite this Article?

V. Jurist Lional Kumar (2013). Adolescence Behaviour Problems: How To Tackle Or Prevent? i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 6(4),13-17.


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