This paper proposes an application of Differential Evolution Technique(DE) for solving short- term scheduling problem.Generally Short-term hydrothermal scheduling involves the hour by hour scheduling of all generation on a system to achieve minimum production cost.A set of starting conditions is given and the optimal hourly schedule that minimizes the desired objective,while meeting hydraulic and steam constraints is sought and solved using Differential Evolution. . The results are examined to validated the effectiveness of the algorithm in comparision with other Meta heuristic algorithms like GA, GS, IFEP, SA and PSO.


Application Of Differential Evolution Technique For Short Term Hydrothermal Scheduling And Its Comparision With Other Meta Heuristic Search Algorithms

S.Padmini*, C. Christober Asir Rajan**
* Research Scholar, SRM University, Chennai, India.
** Associate Professor, Pondichery Engineering College, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2013


This paper proposes an application of Differential Evolution Technique(DE) for solving short- term scheduling problem.Generally Short-term hydrothermal scheduling involves the hour by hour scheduling of all generation on a system to achieve minimum production cost.A set of starting conditions is given and the optimal hourly schedule that minimizes the desired objective,while meeting hydraulic and steam constraints is sought and solved using Differential Evolution. . The results are examined to validated the effectiveness of the algorithm in comparision with other Meta heuristic algorithms like GA, GS, IFEP, SA and PSO.


Hydrothermal Scheduling, Differential Evolution, Discharge rate

How to Cite this Article?

Padmini, S., and Rajan, C. C. A. (2013). Application of Differential Evolution Technique for Short Term Hydrothermal Scheduling and its Comparision with Other Meta Heuristic Search Algorithms. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 6(3), 37-41.


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