Clearing of Three Phase SC, LG & OC Faults in Multi Bus System using SSCB

*Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai, India.
** Professor, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2013


Because of increased distributed energy generation in medium voltage systems, handling of short circuits becomes problematic as the short circuit power is increased. Hence in future classical mechanical circuit breakers which are being used for the protection of power system and its components from the abnormal conditions will not be able to handle the fault current. It has already proven that the usage of power semiconductor devices could lead to reduced current values and voltage distortion during a short circuit failure. The Solid State Circuit Breakers, based on modern high power semiconductors, offer enormous advantages when compared to mechanical circuit breaker with respect to speed and life. This increases the voltage quality and also improves the transient stability during short circuit as the Solid State Circuit Breakers works faster than the conventional mechanical circuit breaker. A new topology developed for SSCB can be used to protect the power system to enhance reliability. This paper presents different three phase fault analysis of a power system with Solid State Circuit Breaker to estimate the performance of the SSCB during abnormal conditions. The simulations on the model two bus system have been performed to access the effectiveness of SSCB during faults. It is shown that SSCB is an effective choice which can replace the existing mechanical circuit breaker. The results of three phase short circuit, Line to Ground and open Circuit faults are presented.


Solid State Circuit Breakers (SSCBs), Open Circuit (OC), Short Circuit (SC) , Line to Ground (LG), Simulation, Power Semiconductors

How to Cite this Article?

Murugan, A. K., and Prabu, R. R., (2013). Clearing of Three Phase SC, LG & OC Faults in Multi Bus System Using SSCB. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 6(3), 30-36.


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