This paper presents   a novel method  for the  determination of   temperature rise in rotating electrical machine. Rise in the winding temperature was determined from the  estimated values of winding resistance during the heat run test conducted as per IEC standard. The estimation of hot resistance was modeled  using multiple variable linear regression . The modeled hot resistance helps to find the load losses at any load situation without using complicated measurement set –up. This technique was applied for the hot resistance estimation for Switched Reluctance Machine using the input variables as cold resistance, ambient temperature and temperature rise. The results are compared and they show a good agreement between measured and the computed values. The proposed method was verified using experimental results obtained from temperature rise test on a 2 H.P 8/6 Switched Reluctance Machine.


Analysis of Temperature Field in Switched Reluctance Machine Based on Regression Technique

Annie elisabeth jebaseeli*, S.Paramasivam**
* Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai.
** R&D Head, ESAB, Chennai.
Periodicity:January - March'2013


This paper presents   a novel method  for the  determination of   temperature rise in rotating electrical machine. Rise in the winding temperature was determined from the  estimated values of winding resistance during the heat run test conducted as per IEC standard. The estimation of hot resistance was modeled  using multiple variable linear regression . The modeled hot resistance helps to find the load losses at any load situation without using complicated measurement set –up. This technique was applied for the hot resistance estimation for Switched Reluctance Machine using the input variables as cold resistance, ambient temperature and temperature rise. The results are compared and they show a good agreement between measured and the computed values. The proposed method was verified using experimental results obtained from temperature rise test on a 2 H.P 8/6 Switched Reluctance Machine.


regression , Switched Reluctance Machine ,hot resistance and temperature rise.

How to Cite this Article?

Jebaseeli, E. A. E., and Paramasivam, S. (2013). Analysis of Temperature Field in Switched Reluctance Machine Based on Regression Technique. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 6(3), 11-15.


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