Enhanced Circuit Topologies for Maximizing Power Output in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters

Periodicity:July - December'2024


Piezoelectric energy harvesting has gained significant attention for powering small-scale electronic devices by converting mechanical vibrations into electrical energy. However, the electrical interface plays a crucial role in maximizing power transfer efficiency. This paper explores optimized circuit topologies, particularly the use of inductors to mitigate capacitive impedance effects and enhance power output. A comparative analysis of Simple Resistive Load (SRL), Inductive Load (IL), and AC-DC converter circuits is conducted, both numerically and experimentally. Results indicate that inductive circuits significantly improve power output by reducing the negative reactance of piezoelectric harvesters. The findings contribute to the development of more efficient self-powered systems for wireless sensors and low-energy electronics.


Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, Power Optimization, Inductive Load Circuit, AC-DC Conversion, Passive Power Enhancement, Self-Powered Electronics.

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