Application of Resonant Converter to Regulated Power Supply

S. Padmanabhan*, Y. Sukhi**, Y. Jeyashree***
* Research Guide
**,*** Ph.D Scholars, Sathyabama University.
Periodicity:April - June'2009


In this paper a pulse width modulated series parallel resonant converter is presented. The performance of the converter for constant output voltage with variable input and variable load is analyzed. This configuration is well suited for many applications where output is fairly constant but the input is required to vary widely without serious switching losses and with significant reduction in ripple content. Experimental results obtained from a laboratory prototype are presented.


Zero Voltage Switching, Zero Current switching, DC-DC Converter, Resonant Converter, Soft Switching

How to Cite this Article?

S. Padmanabhan, Y. Sukhi and Y. Jeyashree (2009). Application Of Resonant Converter To Regulated Power Supply. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 2(4), Apr-Jun 2009, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 16-26.


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