Advanced Computational Approaches for Structural Integrity Assessment: Multi-Scale Modelling and Experimental Validation

Charmie Rodriguez*
Department of Civil Engineering, Cebu Technological University, Cebu, Philippines.
Periodicity:July - September'2024


Structural integrity assessment plays a crucial role in engineering, aerospace, and automotive industries, ensuring the reliability and durability of materials and components under various loading conditions. This research presents a multi-scale computational approach integrating finite element analysis (FEA), damage mechanics, and experimental validation techniques to enhance the predictive modelling of structural failure mechanisms. The study focuses on fracture mechanics, fatigue behaviour, and the influence of material microstructures on macroscopic failure patterns. Advanced machine learning algorithms are incorporated to optimize computational efficiency and improve failure prediction accuracy. The results demonstrate that integrating microstructural modelling with experimental data significantly enhances predictive capabilities, leading to safer and more reliable structural designs. The paper also highlights emerging challenges and future directions in computational structural integrity assessments.


Structural Integrity, Finite Element Analysis, Multi-Scale Modelling, Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue Behaviour, Machine Learning in Material Science.

How to Cite this Article?

Rodriguez, C. (2024). Advanced Computational Approaches for Structural Integrity Assessment: Multi-Scale Modelling and Experimental Validation. i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 13(2), 35-47.


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