Optimized Multi-Antenna Wireless Communication: Enhancing Beamforming, Security, and Energy Efficiency

Edith Martinez*
Periodicity:July - September'2024


Wireless communication systems have seen exponential growth due to the increasing demand for high-speed data transmission, improved spectral efficiency, and enhanced energy optimization. This paper explores optimization techniques for reliable data communication in multi-antenna wireless systems, particularly focusing on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) architectures. The study integrates beamforming, energy harvesting, and secure wireless information transmission through novel mathematical optimization frameworks. Key contributions include coordinated multi-cell beamforming, SINR balancing for energy-harvesting systems, and secrecy wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in MIMO channels. Experimental simulations demonstrate significant improvements in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), power efficiency, and security enhancement, making these methods viable for next-generation 5G and 6G networks.


Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks, Convex Optimization in Beamforming, Semi-Definite Programming (SDP), 5G and 6G Networks, Machine Learning for Wireless Optimization, Physical Layer Security (PLS), Wireless Power Transfer (WPT), Eavesdropping Prevention in Wireless Communication, Terahertz (THz) Communication, Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) Networks, Interference Management, Green Wireless Communication

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