Wireless Charging Stations Utilizing Solar Energy for Electric Vehicles

Ajay Kumar Dharmireddy*
Periodicity:July - September'2024


The emergence of electric vehicles (EVs) signifies a transformative potential for the future of transportation on a global scale. The transition from fuel-dependent transportation to electric-powered systems marks a significant breakthrough in energy efficiency, conservation, and the facilitation of smooth energy transitions. This initiative also seeks to diminish harmful emissions that have extensive implications for the environment, directly affecting current weather patterns and contributing to the mitigation of global warming. In an era characterized by advanced technological developments, numerous companies are involved in the manufacturing of electric vehicles. Nonetheless, the issue of charging remains a significant challenge for EVs. Various methods have been proposed to address this concern, with one conventional approach being the charging of vehicles at designated stations. However, this method is limited by the time required for charging and the restricted travel distances. As a result, wireless charging has been proposed as an alternative solution. Several factors influence the efficacy of wireless charging, with various techniques developed that rely on electromagnetic induction or inductive power transfer. Although passive wireless charging has been implemented, challenges related to the placement of charging pads and stations continue to arise. The parameters influencing these charging methods and the positioning of charging infrastructure are critical to the system's success. This system operates through affordable inductive coupling between two coils, known as the transmitter and receiver coils. In the context of EV charging, transmitter coils are typically embedded in the roadway, while receiver coils are installed within the vehicle.


Transformer, solar panel, wireless charging, parking slot, Electric vehicle

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