Performance Evaluation of High-Rise Diagrid Steel Structures with Different Angle and Base Width

Sandeish Dahal*, Satish Paudel**
*Oxford College of Engineering and Management, Pokhara University, Nepal.
**University of Nevada, Reno.
Periodicity:July - September'2024


This study aims to identify the critical parameters influencing the behavior of the diagrid structure subjected to dynamic wind and seismic loading through numerical approach. The study examines the basic structural behavior of diagrid structural system for different storey modules and with varying base width and finally suggests the optimum diagrid angle for the assumed diagrid models. Along with study of distribution of load in diagrid system a detailed comparison is performed for displacement of top storey, drift, base shear, time period, weight of steel. Also, a non-linear static analysis was performed as per ASCE/SEI 41-13 with proposed modification of the steel diagrid structure for obtaining the capacity of such structures. Finally, after evaluation of the response it can be observed that diagrid structural system consisting of 60° to 75° angle of inclination is the suitable configuration. Also, after the evaluation of such structures numerically it was concluded that the Inner Shear Wall resist the Gravity loads and the Diagrid Module resist Gravity Load as well as Lateral loads.


Diagrid Structures, Optimum Angle, Seismic Resistance, Drift, Shear, Performance.

How to Cite this Article?

Dahal, S., & Paudel, S. (2024). Performance Evaluation of High-Rise Diagrid Steel Structures with Different Angle and Base Width. i-manager's Journal on Structural Engineering, 13(2), 1-12.


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